Friday, August 31, 2007

Fan of the Week: Double Feature

It was too close on these two fans to select just one. I kept going back and forth then decided why not have both? This is not intended as a slight but as a compliment to these wonderful ladies who each are all about Teamwork.

Both these fans go far beyond what could be expected. They both realize the importance of spreading word of Jericho far and wide so they both Digg, comment on articles, and post on several message boards. Who knows where a new fan might land looking for guidance? While encouraging everyone to post at the CBS message board they both realize the message must span the Internet as well as including grass roots efforts.

Kystorms and Hawksdomain are civic-minded, involved fans. Please help them with all their efforts. Feel free to contact them for more information.

Jericho Rangers 4 Our Troops

kystorms blog


Hawksdomain said...

Thank you so very much for this honor. This is quite humbling and I honestly do not see where I have done anything more than anyone else involved in this movement.

I am honored to be included with KyStorms, as very early on in the Save Jericho Campaign, reading her blog and her comments on the boards were quite inspiring.

Thank you! :)

kystorms said...

Thank you for this honor, but as Hawksdomain said, we do only what we know in our hearts is right, and we love all the Jericho Fans so we just want to help in any way we can.
and Hawks is the funnier one :-) so I am thrilled to be included in this with her, she is my fan of the week!!!
Please check out Hawksdomains Jericho4ourtroops website, she has worked hard to get this together along with Scoo and Cristy of Nuts For Jericho, these guys did an awesome job and I am honored to be able to work along side them in any way I can.

KayT said...

Congratulations to my fellow nuts at NFJ! They have both put so much into saving and promoting Jericho. Their dedication to the troops is admirable! The best way to honor them would be to donate to their causes in that the troops need our support. Kudos to you both, it is an honor to be able to call you my friends.

Sweet Tea said...

Thank you all for commenting!
You both exemplify to me what a Jericho fan is and does. Neither of you does anything for the glory or honor or prestige. You do it because you are unselfish, devoted, caring, and compassionate. I am proud to have my name associated with yours.
kayt, thanks for your comment too.