Too bad this article doesn't include all the trouble with the CBS/Meebo chat. There is no moderation and the Chat is a wreck. People come in using fake identities because no login is required plus porn links abound even though young Jericho viewers come in the chatroom. It is such a mess that Jericho fans have to use other chats if they want to chat in peace.
This is what CBS offers its' fans? Shame on you, CBS!!!!!!!!!
"This year, Meebo launched Meebo Rooms, which essentially are chat rooms. It has had success parlaying some rooms into larger media partnerships. CBS Corp., for instance, now links to the Meebo chat room about the offbeat TV show "Jericho" and has made it the main Jericho chat room on the CBS Web site.
"We want to encourage lots of different partners . . . to build really super-viral, super-engaged platforms to sit outside of cbs.com," said Patrick Keane, an executive vice president and chief marketing officer for CBS Interactive. CBS provides behind-the-scenes Jericho footage and other tidbits for the Meebo chat room and has signed on as a Meebo advertiser, Mr. Keane says.
CBS says it is working with other sites, including Facebook. Facebook has added programs that offer instant-messaging to its site, which might reduce any advantage Meebo has. Meebo executives and investors say the company has established itself as a destination for instant-messaging, with more than six million unique users logging in monthly."
The chat at CBS is a joke at best. Come on CBS, you can do better than this!!
I won't use the meebo chat because both times I have been to it I have been private messaged explicit sexual content. This is in addition to the constant porn spamming that goes on in the chat. I don't go to places like that in person and I sure won't go via the internet. Shame on CBS for not finding a family friendly chat for Jericho.
Debby from SC
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