Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jericho: Win The Cheyenne Flag

** I'm finally back. My cable has been out for several days.**

If you're "nuts" about Jericho here is your chance to own the Cheyenne Flag which flew over Camp Liberty in the Season One Finale. One fan chosen at random in the Pencils2mediamoguls campaign will win the flag which will also be signed by the writers and maybe even cast members from the series. Here's your chance to own a peice of the show by listing Jericho as the series you are supporting when you buy your pencils.

Find out more at

100 Top Items that Disappear first in a National Emergency:

Members of survivalretreat and JerichoCBS on Yahoo Groups worked collectively to add and edit it to a more user friendly, catagorized format, and check list of areas of consideration.

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