Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March Madness: Journeyman

Journeyman fans need help. March Madness. Great idea.

"Announcing Journeyman March Madness: This is the first week of Journeyman March Madness and we need your help to turn up the fan volume! This week, our target is the press. We're asking each fan to visit this thread and then write at least one email to the press about Journeyman and its campaign. If you've got contact info for more press, post it there for all the fans to use. Check back each week for more Journeyman March Madness Events."

Journeyman episodes are also available on Mondays on savejourneyman.net

Another new fan blogs Jericho.

"I've discovered a new show (to me)!


It's awesome and filled with so much glorious writing, fleshed out characters, and tough tension-filled situations. It took a few episodes for me to really get into it, as the first few felt slightly forced/awkward in parts. It is *so* worth it to continue on. Never underestimate the human factor or evil corporation's power to royally frack everything over."

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